T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDWhy You Should Have a Dietitian in Your Care TeamSTUDENT CONTRIBUTOR: Neha Dhanda | School of Nutrition, Ryerson University October 15, 2020 SOURCE With all the information available on...
T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDHow to be a 'Dia-bad-a**'!STUDENT CONTRIBUTOR: Adam Brooks | School of Nutrition, Ryerson University October 13, 2020 Diabetes is a pain in the butt! There are a...
T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDManaging Diabetes during COVIDSTUDENT CONTRIBUTOR: Cristina Cirone | School of Nutrition, Ryerson University October 13, 2020 On March 11th, 2020, COVID-19 was...
T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDNutrition Strategies for Managing Diabetes and Related GI IssuesSTUDENT CONTRIBUTOR: Julianna Bennett | School of Nutrition, Ryerson University October 7, 2020 Finding success with a sustainable diet...
T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDYour sweet tooth is costing you more than you think!STUDENT CONTRIBUTOR: Liza Khalyavka | School of Nutrition, Ryerson University October 2, 2020 Everyone loves a sweet treat - some more...
T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDAspartame... the good, the bad and the confusing!STUDENT CONTRIBUTOR: Dorothy Perelman | School of Nutrition, Ryerson University September 29, 2020 Everyone has a different opinion about...
T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDNutrition and COVID-19 STUDENT CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Sheng | School of Nutrition, Ryerson University September 24, 2020 We’re eyeballs deep in a pandemic. The...
T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDCollagen Supplements: A new age 'fountain of youth'?Growing up, we’ve all heard one or two stories about the never-ending quest for the elusive ‘fountain of youth’, right? Movies, TV shows,...
T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDLOOPed and loving it!~ originally published by insulinpumps.ca, November ‘18 Looping is achieved through the use of a do-it-yourself hybrid closed loop...
T1D Academy | The Real Deal RDNightscout… the original game changer!~ originally published by insulinpumps.ca, October ‘18 My daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 5 years ago. She was 6 years old at...